Friday, February 13, 2009

Got the guzzler back but wouldn't shell out for the alarm clock

Second tardy in the month. That makes two months straight. 

Sorry, but we just don't have the energy today. The Irate One was late, but I find myself just wanting to crawl back into bed.

- The stimulus bill passes although no one who voted for it can have reasonably understood what they voted for
- The White House wants to seize control of the census, i.e. control through the statistics the ongoing social experiment they (read Democrats) call Democracy
- Dem hypocrisy: 48 hours for public review discarded to keep Pelosi on her personal schedule
- Dem hypocrisy: Mr. Change selects journalists to ask questions in first news conference
- A plane crashes killing 50 people and before the flames are extinguished, all news outlets and the Communist in Chief are labeling one victim as "inspirational" because she is linked to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This is some kind of easy to grasp irony that lets the news anchors use their somber voices. Sad how quickly we can package an event.
- The Communist in Chief quotes the Caterpillar CEO how the stimulus package will let him save jobs, only to be contradicted later that the firing will continue
- Nance Pelosi really needs to get to Rome so stop worrying about the details, they'll just end up doing what they want no matter what's written anyway
- Peanuts, anyone?

It's 5:00 somewhere, right?

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