Friday, September 05, 2008

The Wrath of the Dolphin

Scott finally confirms what we have long suspected, The Irate One indeed earns his moniker. When responding to an email pointing out that Jack continues to make whale noises, the hirsute Scott said he is aware but won't point it out for fear of "getting the wrath of the dolphin".

We waited like the rest of you as the show began in silence. Waiting for it... waiting... waiting... and then Joe comes on with little indication that Jack will follow. I was already logging the date before I realized Senor Anger wouldn't be joining the show today.

Back to the well earned nickname. The staff here has long debated why the tardiness bet was quietly swept under the rug. The agreed upon reason was that Mister Pissy-in-the-am welched and demanded that it never be mentioned on air again under threat of assault! With Scott obliquely confirming the menace implicit in the Irate One's demeanor, the staff feels vindicated.

Sorry to throw you under the bus, Scott. Have fun at the wedding.

Hey guys,
I just purchased this new book on Obama, its great!
Check it out, its called “The Accomplishments of Barack Obama”, it has a table of contents and a foreward, and the rest of the book is blank. I baught three of them for my friends in the office. Check out the website, I put the book on my coffee table and had a party this past weekend, everyone thought it was hilarious:
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